Looking to get away? Come stay with us! Nestled in the small town of Goshen, Virginia, you’ll find us at the Historic Cold Sulphur Springs Campground.
We now offer a limited number of upgraded sites with 30 Amp and 50 Amp electrical service as well as upgraded water service! Contact us today to reserve your spot for the season or the year! The water hook ups are frost-proof, so we are able to keep the water on in this section of the campground year-round.
Annual Camping:
$3,000/year for 2 campers. Additional campers are $10.00 per night per person.
$10/day for use of an electric heater/air conditioner
Payments for annual camping can be made in a lump sum or in 6 installments.
Seasonal Camping:
$3,000 for 2 campers. Additional campers are $10.00 per night per person.
$10/day for use of an electric heater/air conditioner
Payments for seasonal camping can be made in a lump sum or in installments. Save $50 when you pay in a lump sum or pay in six monthly installments of $750. All seasonal camping must be paid by June 30th. A late fee of $100 will be applied to payments made after June 30th. Campers will be removed if payment is not made by June 30, 2023.
Day + Monthly Camping:
PRIMITIVE SITES (3): $50/day for up to 2 people. Additional campers are $10/day/camper
RV SITES (15): $70/day for up to 2 people. Additional campers are $10/day/camper
$600/month for a hook-up site for a maximum of 2 people (kids 12 and under do not count)
$10/day for use of an electric heater/air conditioner
Fish, Hunt, and Hike
Our campground has access to a beautiful, pristine pond and acres of woods making it a prime spot for fishing and hunting. Rates and rules are as follows:
Campers fish for free! For all others, fishing is $10/person per day
Fishing is permitted from sunrise to sunset
Hook and line fishing only
Catfishing is permitted
Please pay BEFORE you fish!
Boats with trolling motors are permitted. No motorboats allowed
Hunting is for monthly or seasonal campers only!
All hunters must have written permission from the Campground Manager to hunt
Practice and target shooting will be anytime when hunting season is not in
All water will be turned off in the field after hunting season is completed
*For generations, our campground has been home to hunters, and we embrace the opportunity to honor that tradition. During hunting season (October-December), target practice and shooting will be held on Sundays from 3-6 PM at the dam. Please avoid the lake and lake area during shooting time. The road is safe to use to access the campground. Practice is limited to monthly and seasonal campers.*
There is great hiking in the area. Check out the Goshen Pass, Douthat State Park, and more!
Additional Policies
Friendly dogs are permitted but must be kept on leash
All pets must be up to date on vaccinations and shots
Seasonal + Monthly Camping Rules:
Campers may fish for free.
Campers are responsible for their guests. Should a guest cause any damage to the campground property, the camper will be held accountable for any cost of repair.
Use of ATVs are permitted for long-term campers, but not for guests.
General Campground Rules:
Campsites are to be kept tidy. Campers are responsible for the appearance of their campsites. If a campsite is not kept tidy and requires additional cleaning, it will be maintained by the site manager and the owner will be charged a maintenance fee.
Quiet hours are from 11 PM-7 AM. If campers are making loud noise after 11 PM, they may be asked to leave the property and will not be issued a refund.
If you must drive on the campgrounds after 11 PM, please be considerate of other campers as you make your way to your designated campsite.
The only flags permitted to be flown on the property are the American flag and State of Virginia flag.
Be respectful of all campers. Cold Sulphur Springs Campground is a welcoming property open to all looking to enjoy the outdoors. Anyone exhibiting discriminatory behavior will be asked to leave the property and will not be issued a refund.